Wednesday, August 17, 2011

when i saw florescent light for the first time

Since last few midnights mother was daily waking me up at midnight, dress me up and then some ups and down from first floor to second floor finally lights were turned off and we used to get back to sleep. This actually was freaking me out and to add to this I had no clue of what was going on.

I was restricted to home and no games were allowed with the neighboring kids, although one good thing was there was no school and family used to gather at the evening to have our traditional scheer chai and talveer. This was fun and I prayed such time will prolong, so what my games suffered I was happy to donate them.

And finally it came to an end. Another such night mother woke me up, got me ready and we left for some place. As soon as we got out of home I fall asleep in Dad’s arms and woke up and found myself in a bus and dad was outside. My uncle, whom I’d not seen since few days, was on the seat next to me. I cried just when I realized that Dad won’t accompany us. Bus drew away and away from him and may be I cried until sleep took over.

I was woken up next morning by uncle for breakfast and few other essential things of the morning which humans are abided to by nature. Then we resumed our journey and finally by the day end we reached home of my elder uncle.

It was a new world altogether. There were so many types of cupboards and unnecessary furniture. One of them, let me explain, had a rope attached to it, just like the TV, which ended up in the wall. It was a different kind of cupboard when someone opened its door frozen air used to come out of it and it was also having a bulb inside it. It had many shelves having utensils fruits and many unrecognizable small boxes. Another of such thing was hanging from the ceiling which was rotating and when I got under it I could feel the fast air hitting me.

And there I saw a different kind of illuminating glass. It was different from the one used at home. It was, unlike the previous one, white, pure white in color. I could see it, unlike the yellowish one which was unwatchable.

This was my acquaintance with Jammu my new home. A home away from home.

1 comment:

  1. This was indeed everyone's reaction to the things seen in Jammu for the first time.. fridge, cooler etc etc.....
